For You :-)


For you I give a lifetime of stability
Anything you want of me, nothing is impossible
For you, there are no words or ways to show my love
Or all the thoughts I'm thinking of
Cause this life is no good alone
Since we've become one,
I've made a change
Everything I do now, makes sense
All roads end, all I do is for you

For you I share the cup of love that overflows
And anyone who knows us knows
I would change all faults I have,
For you there is no low or high or in between
Of my heart that you haven't seen
Cause I share all I have and am
Nothing I've said's hard to understand
All I feel I feel deeper still, and always will
All this love is for you

Every note that I play, every word I might say
Every melody I feel
Are only for you and your appeal
Every page that I write, every day of my life
Would not be filled without the things
That my love for you now brings
For you I make the promise of fidelity
Now and for eternity
No one could replace this vow
For you, I'd take take your hand heart and everything
And add to them a wedding ring
'Cause this life is no good alone
Since we've become one you're all I've known
And if this feeling should leave, I'd die
And here's why, all I am is for you
Everything i do now makes sense
All roads end, all I do,
Is for you


My Heart


He's really still the only one who can make my heart jump a mile even with just a simple message. :-)

I love you so much, my love. :-*

Thanks to Boredom and Loneliness...


For if it wasn't for those two things, I wouldn't have been able to talk to a friend who I've been hiding from in YM for like two weeks now since he told me something about wanting to talk about his lovelife and mine. It turned out to be a good conversation...and it made me realize stuff.

He's one of my gay friends...yes...I have many...let's just say I'm kinda a gay magnet. And the real reason why I was hiding from him was that I easily get bored and annoyed listening to him talk about his new boyfriend (ever since he had admitted to me that he's gay, he told me about three different guys he has had a past with). But since my love is away on vacation and I've got nothing better to do anyways with my spare time, I decided to get back to him today...and surprisingly, I enjoyed the conversation I had with him. He has made me realize a lot of stuff that inspired me even more about my own relationship.

So the lesson I learned for today is to not push aside friends when they want to talk to you...who knows what new things I'll learn from them? Like this's really good to know that there is someone close to you who understands your situation and doesn't judge.

I'm really glad I talked to him today. :-)



Why is it that when you want time to go faster, it seems to move even slower...and vice versa?

No matter how much I try to keep happy and entertained, I still go back to feeling empty right after.

I need my source of happiness.

I just wish it's Friday again. *sigh*

Goin' Crazy


It's nice to smile when I get your phone call at night
But I'd rather have you here with me
Right next to me
And I miss the way you hold me tight

I've got to let you know I feel so weak without your touch

I never thought that I could ever love a man so much
I've gotta let you know I think that we are destiny
For you I'd cross the world for you
I'd do anything

Me Without You


This song came on my player suddenly...and I've realized that this is my current state right now. Although this is actually just a temporary leave...he just left for a day short of a week vacation and I'm left here...blank.

In a way, I think this is good. I'm looking at it as a preview of what could happen if he just *knocks on wood* left me...and this is clearly my answer.

I just feel blank without him. Even if we can actually still talk a little, I still feel empty. When he's at home or in the dorm in the Uni, I feel okay, I feel safe and unlike right now.




Watch out...will be whining soon enough... :-P