Am I the Same Girl?

I realized how long it has been since I last posted a blog....and there were so many things that happened in that span of time.

For starters, I'm finally a senior now. Like legit senior and if I do good in my academics, I would graduate in 2012. I'm so excited for much that I'm so motivated to do good! :-)

Pax graduated already so that's another one of my motivations to finish this as soon as I can. I don't want to be left behind. :))

Also, my parents finally approve of my relationship with Pax, therefore I can now breathe easy and just concentrate on my studies without worrying much about anything else. I'm really so happy about that because it was only my parents' approval that I need to feel complete and now I feel like everything is almost perfect. Now I just need him here ;-)

Today dad celebrated his 50th birthday and well, I had a realization. I don't receive a lot of gifts, even when I was a kid I don't really get a lot of them. The only time I got a lot was when I celebrated my 18th birthday and it was because I had a big party then. I used to feel sad about that fact. The materialistic part of me used to even think that I'm not loved because I don't get as much gifts as other people do on their birthdays. That went on until I turned 19. I suddenly felt that I'm okay without gifts so long as people remember. I guess you can call it maturity of some sorts...or maybe I just got used to it that I just feel uncomfortable when I receive gifts.

Though I don't receive a lot of gifts, I do like giving them. I don't know why, but when I can I do find ways to give special people gifts on special days. I find myself feeling happy when I see the smile on their faces when they receive it.

I gave dad a shirt and a pair of shorts for his birthday because he was lacking casual clothes. And the smile on his face when he wore it today was worth all the money I spent for it. It was a really good feeling and I'm glad I get to do those things. :-)

Anyway I just felt the need to rant again and write something on this abandoned blog. I'll try to write here as often as I can because it is true that writing is therapeutic, at least for me, because no one stays long enough to hear my rants and sometimes I just really need to let them out even if no one is paying attention.

So I'm just gonna leave this here. And hopefully I'll have good thoughts again that I can write on here soon. :-)


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