21st...part II


I'm speechless. :-)

I love You, God. :-)

I love my family. :-)

I love my SF's. :-)

I love my college friends. :-)

I love my twinny. :-)

I love Pax...very much so. :-)

I am so blessed for all these blessings in my life. Thank You, Lord for blessing me with another year to fulfill my missions in life. :-)



So far...I'm happy...but I feel like something's missing still. So I'm still not completely happy. I really appreciate the greetings though. I'm really thankful for those. :-)

But I still feel incomplete. *sighs*

I honestly don't know what to say


I wanted to blog since yesterday...well actually, the days before that already. But it seemed like I couldn't form any intelligent words. All I know is that I was so angry, so mad, so frustrated...yeah, you get the point. You know it's bad when there's homicidal thoughts involved. I never liked violence, but at that point I just wanted to start already and go against what I believe in. I wanted to attack, to let them know what they did and are still doing is beyond wrong. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but can you blame me? I feel like I've been stepped on, kick to the curb, like I've been beaten up by a gang and was just left lying there holding on to life. That was what I really felt. I felt like I've been pushed aside...and really far because I'm not important to them, because we're not friends...and my fiance is more important to them, I don't matter. It might seem like a little thing to them, or it might mean nothing to them...but I'm just fed up...tired of keeping all of these feelings inside, pretending that I'm okay with what they were doing to me, pretending that I'm fine, because I'm being the good fiancee of their friend who they keep flirting with...and like what Taylor Swift had said in her song..."bulletproof". I'm done with the good girl act. I'm through playing nice.

I'm ready to attack anytime soon. Just you wait. Try me.


Some people are just disrespectful in so many ways. The world is so full of douchebags now. Not saying I'm perfect, but really...I'm at least trying my best to be respectful towards other people at all times, even those who don't deserve it.

A little respect is all I ask.

Avoid flirting with a taken person. It's just disrespectful to the other person that person you're flirting with is. If it's nothing to you, well it certainly is not just nothing to me.

Plurk should be shut down.

*end of rant*



Wishlists are everywhere during this time of the year. I used to make one too, but I never get anything in that list no matter how long that list is and because of it, I used to get disappointed and sulk. I'm not even exaggerating, it's true. Which is why this time, no more wishlists for me, and I think it's time to be more matured about this.

I rarely receive material gifts during this season, even if December is Christmas month AND my birth month. I'm not complaining though. It taught me to enjoy what I have and be contented with it, and it also taught me to really appreciate what Christmas is all about...and that's the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I never forget to greet Him every Christmas eve and morning, it makes me really happy. And I really really love Christmas, and I'm now glad that for me, it doesn't mean numerous gifts or any other material stuff on Christmas day...because it won't bring me any disappointments if I don't get what I want, I could just enjoy Christmas and the unexplainable happiness it brings. And if I get gifts from people, I can't help but feel really happy because I'm not asking for anything but they still take the time to give me something.

Once the -ber month comes in, I can't help but feel excited. It's like the little kid in me is being awakened and I can't help but play Christmas songs so early...I just get really excited. I love Christmas...I love the happiness it brings to everyone...the family bonding and everything, spending it with your loved ones...if I'm surrounded with the people I love, that's already a gift for me. I've learned not to ask for anything anymore especially to my parents, and I'm glad. This year has been tough financially-speaking for our family and I'm already thankful enough that we are still complete, that we can still eat three meals a day, go to work/school, have at least decent clothes to wear and that we still have the stuff that we need for school/work such as the computers and the phones. That's also gift enough for me. Having true friends that I can count on anytime is a gift too. The love of my life, though he is far for now, still loves me as much as I love him...and I'm really thankful for that.

I'm glad to not have been raised with material things...because it makes me appreciate the more important things in life and what Christmas is really about...and it's about love. :)

Merry Christmas!


P.S. Though if I could ask for one material thing...plane tickets, please? :))