Insert Cliche Title Here

So it's October know what happened that day 2 years ago? If you do...then you're either Pax or Sam or you just really know us...and that doesn't count. :))

But for those who have no idea or just don't care...I don't care either...I would tell anyways because I'm just really happy and amazed.

There I was, an empty piece of a shell,
Just minding my own world,
Without even knowin' what love and life were all about

Then you came,

You brought me out of the shell
You gave the world to me
And before I knew, there I was so in love with you

You gave me a reason for my being
And I love what I'm feelin'
You gave me a meaning to my life
Yes, I've gone beyond existing
And it all began when I met you

Yes, cliche song is cliche, but I don't care...that song is true anyways. :)) October 7th of the year 2007 is the day I met Pax and even if our first conversation was really embarrassing (at least for me) it would always be amazing and magical for me because who knew that stupid lol reply would lead me to the love of my life? :)) Fate, it's what it is. It's just meant to be. :-)

And it really all began when I met him. :-)


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