
Earlier today, my co-advisees and I had a meeting with our adviser. He asked us to raise our hand if we did the task he assigned to us. To my surprise, out of 10 or 11 students, only 5 of us raised our hand. Our adviser then sent the other students out of his office to do what he had told them to do.

A few years ago, I was one of those students, like the ones who got sent out, who the professors think were the happy-go-lucky students. And I really was.

I didn't know how the good students studied or how they remember all those stuff or why they always want to finish projects early. I didn't know why it seemed so easy for them.

And now I've become one of those "good" students who do their homeworks early and make sure the answers are perfect, who aims for the perfect score versus the passing score, who aims to finish projects early instead of thinking of extension of deadlines.

I never expected it to feel this good. I actually feel respected now versus looked down on. I have gained self-confidence which helps me a lot nowadays. I now take the difficult lessons as challenges instead of being afraid of them. I push myself to perfection. And I like that feeling. How I wish I have done this earlier. I probably would have graduated already.

Having goals helps me feel motivated and inspired to do my best and give my best and not just satisfactory effort in everything that I have to do. I feel like I can do anything.

I have definitely transformed from a Computer Science weakling to one of the good nerds and I like that change.

I finally changed for the better. I have finally bloomed from a small bud to a beautiful flower. It took a long time, but now I know it is so worth it.


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